
Step 1: Connect to your FedaPay account

Connect to your FedaPay account dashboard here: https://live.fedapay.com

Step 2: Get API keys

Go to FedPay dashboard in API section and copy your keys and past it on Moneroo.

Step 3: Add Moneroo Webhook

  • Go to FedaPay dashboard in Webhook section.

  • Click on New webhook button and past webhook URL from Moneroo.

Select all events and click on Create a webhook button.

  • Enter webhook URL from Moneroo.

  • Uncheck "Disable SSL verification on HTTP requests?"

  • Uncheck "Disable the webhook when the application throws errors?"

  • Select "Receive all events" in "Events type" section.

Well done! 🎉 You can now accept payments with FedaPay through Moneroo.

Last updated

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